The NPS Benchmark: How to compare your score to industry standards

Congratulations! You've calculated your Net Promoter Score (NPS) and now have a valuable metric to gauge customer loyalty. However, a single number in isolation doesn't tell the whole story. The true power of NPS lies in understanding how your score stacks up against others in your industry. This is where NPS benchmarks come in, providing crucial context for your customer satisfaction efforts.

Unveiling the Industry Landscape with NPS benchmarks

Think of NPS benchmarks as average NPS scores for specific industries. By comparing your score to the benchmark, you gain valuable insights into your relative position in the customer loyalty game. Imagine getting a test score of 85%. Great, right? But if the class average was 90%, you might want to adjust your study strategy. The same concept applies to NPS. A high score compared to the benchmark indicates strong customer loyalty, while a lower score suggests areas for improvement.

Why NPS Benchmarks matter?

Here's why incorporating NPS benchmarks into your customer experience (CX) strategy is crucial:

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses: NPS benchmarks act as a compass, helping you navigate your customer satisfaction journey. A high NPS compared to the benchmark indicates strong customer loyalty, highlighting your strengths. Conversely, a lower score suggests areas for improvement, prompting you to dig deeper and identify potential weaknesses.
  • Set goals and track progress: Benchmarks provide a clear target to aim for. Once you know where you stand relative to your industry peers, you can set realistic goals for improvement. As you implement strategies to enhance customer satisfaction, you can track your NPS against the benchmark to measure the effectiveness of your efforts. This data-driven approach allows you to adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Competitive advantage: Knowing how you compare to competitors on the NPS front empowers you to identify areas where you excel or need to catch up. Perhaps your customer service is top-notch, reflected in a high NPS compared to the benchmark. Leverage this strength in your marketing efforts! Conversely, a lower score compared to competitors might indicate room for improvement in areas like product functionality or ease of use. By pinpointing these areas, you can develop targeted strategies to gain a competitive edge.

Selecting the right NPS benchmark

Not all NPS benchmarks are created equal. Here's how to find the most relevant benchmark for your business, ensuring an accurate comparison:

  • Industry specificity: It's crucial to compare apples to apples. Look for benchmarks that are specific to your industry. A software company wouldn't compare itself to a retail store – their customer bases and expectations are vastly different. Resources like [mention a resource with NPS benchmarks by industry] can be a valuable starting point for your research.
  • Company size: Consider the size of your organization. Large enterprises with established customer bases may have different score expectations compared to smaller startups that are still building their customer relationships. Segmenting benchmarks by company size provides a more accurate comparison.
  • Geographic location: NPS scores can vary depending on cultural norms and expectations. Ideally, find benchmarks that reflect your target market's region. For example, an e-commerce business operating primarily in the USA would want to compare itself to NPS benchmarks for similar companies in that region.

Leveraging NPS Benchmarks for Customer Loyalty excellence

You gain a clear understanding of your customer loyalty relative to your industry by effectively utilizing NPS benchmarks. This empowers you to:

Set SMART Goals

Equipped with benchmark data, you can set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals for improving your NPS.

Develop Targeted Strategies

Identify areas for improvement based on the benchmark comparison and customer feedback. Develop targeted strategies to address these areas, like enhancing product features, streamlining onboarding processes, or improving customer service interactions.

Track Progress and Iterate

Regularly monitor your NPS score and compare it to the benchmark. Analyze the impact of your strategies and iterate as needed to ensure continuous improvement.

Unlocking deeper customer insights

Once you've mastered the basics of NPS benchmarking, you can delve deeper to gain even more valuable insights. Here are the steps to follow:

Segment your customer base

Don't treat all customers the same. Segment your customer base by demographics, purchase history, or product usage. This allows you to compare your NPS to relevant benchmarks for each segment, identifying areas for improvement within specific customer groups.

Competitor Benchmarking

Go beyond industry averages and identify your direct competitors' NPS scores (if available). This allows you to benchmark against your closest rivals, pinpointing areas where you can differentiate yourself and gain a competitive edge.

Leverage NPS Survey data for tailored strategy

Many NPS survey platforms allow you to capture reasons behind customer responses. Leverage this data alongside benchmark comparisons to understand why customers are promoters, detractors, or passives. This can help you tailor your strategies to address specific customer concerns and improve satisfaction.

Moving ahead on the NPS Journey

NPS is an ongoing process, not a one-time measurement. Here's how to ensure your NPS journey fosters a culture of customer centricity:

Close the loop

Respond to both promoter and detractor feedback. Thank promoters for their loyalty and address detractors' concerns promptly. This demonstrates that you value their feedback and are committed to improvement.

Integrate NPS across the organization

Make NPS a core metric across all departments. From marketing and sales to product development and customer service, everyone should understand how their role impacts customer satisfaction.

Regularly monitor and analyse

Don't wait for annual reviews. Regularly monitor your NPS score and analyse trends. This allows for proactive adjustments to your strategies and ensures you stay ahead of potential customer satisfaction issues.

Make Informed Customer Loyalty strategies with NPS benchmarks

While NPS is a valuable tool, it becomes truly powerful when used in conjunction with NPS benchmarks. You can identify areas for improvement and develop targeted strategies to address customer pain points by comparing your score to industry standards. This data-driven approach allows you to set realistic goals and track progress towards customer loyalty excellence. Furthermore, NPS benchmarks can help you gain a competitive advantage by highlighting areas where you excel or need to catch up. Ultimately, effectively leveraging NPS benchmarks fosters a culture of customer centricity within your organization, enabling you to build strong customer relationships that drive sustainable business growth through continuous monitoring, data-driven strategies, and consistent customer feedback implementation. offers an all-inclusive solution for experience management, enabling efficient collection and management of customer feedback. Leverage the platform, renowned for its innovation and customer-centric approach. Utilize this platform to delve into your business challenges, conduct thorough analysis, explore potential solutions, and craft groundbreaking strategies.

Are you enthusiastic about embracing an exceptional customer experience? Schedule your Demo with today and embark on a journey towards achieving remarkable CX!


Why compare NPS to industry standards?

It helps you understand how your customer loyalty compares to competitors and reveals areas for improvement.

How to find industry benchmarks?

Resources like [mention a resource with NPS benchmarks by industry] offer benchmarks by industry.

Do NPS benchmarks change over time?

Yes, industry standards can evolve as customer expectations and market dynamics shift.

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