What Are My Employees Thinking? The Power of Open-ended Survey Analysis

Power of open-ended surveys

Traditional surveys are all about confusing multiple choices and that can be limiting too. These surveys can only provide a glimpse into the real story. These multiple-choice questions can limit the actual point that the person is trying to convey creating the missing nuances of the employee experience. Just imagine that the employee has a neutral opinion about the workload but the person also wants to express another point.


Coming to the open-ended surveys and they're are much more covenant and give the space to convey your ideas. Open-ended surveys are open and they narrate the story of the employees in their ways. Open-ended questions help you to analyze the qualitative side. For example, a customer might be dissatisfied with the product but the person also wanted to add another flaw to the product. By following the open-ended surveys, you can find a solution to this issue. By gathering a detailed response you can sort the problems out and provide improvements for specific areas.

XEBO.ai can help you fill the gap by offering innovative analysis tools to make your company the best.

Implementing open-ended surveys

As we discussed earlier, open-ended surveys are powerful but curating effective questions is the real task. Let's see how you can simply tackle this issue;

Clear and Concise: Avoid using messy questions without proper aim. Always create easy questions that are easily conveyable by focusing on a particular topic.

Why Not How: Instead of asking the person ‘how satisfied are you?” try asking the reason behind the dislike this is clear to the point and you can simply decode the issue.

Start Strong: The first impression is the best impression. Start the process with an engaging one to set the tone and you can analyze the person's test and preferences from the minute itself.

How to boost employee's participation?

Always make the employee open up and that is all about the open-ended survey. Give them space and don't interfere in their opinion. Make them feel heard so that they can open up and convey their feelings. Also after the answering don't just quit the conversation. Appreciate their participation and make them understand how their opinions are considered and valued.

When it comes to analyzing the data, for most of us it will be daunting. Here are some of the ways that XEBO.ai suggests for you all.

Thematic Analysis: XEBO.ai helps you to provide the tools for conducting a thematic analysis and with the help of those tools you can categorize the responses based on themes and the areas of challenges.

Sentiment Analysis: AI can help you decode the sentiments of the respondents such as frustration, satisfaction, and even confusion. By understanding these emotions, you can respond in that manner.

Case in Point: XEBO.ai helps you find the specific issues within the theme and allows you to develop the targeted solutions. By following these AI-powered strategies, your organization can move beyond the metrics identify the specific issues, and resolve them soon.

From feedback to action

Open-ended surveys open endless possibilities for employee voices. Always make data-driven decisions after the feedback gathering. Do not let your valuable feedback gather dust. Make use of XEBO.ai’s tools to get the insights to gather strategic decisions about the training programs, workflow improvements, and even cultural shifts within your organization. With this collected feedback you can make your workforce even more better and efficient. It is important to understand the queries and concerns of your employees as well. Because a happy employee can create a happy company. The survey might include issues related to long working hours. Arrange a balanced working hour by considering their requests and also try to introduce wellness programs for their better well-being. To clear the communication issues try to put forward anonymous suggestion boxes and listen to the employee concerns. By actively listening to your employees and by providing the necessary steps to resolve the issues you can certainly create a greater value in your employee experience. Create a work culture that empowers engagement, communication, and healthy criticism. This whole thing is not about just collecting data and it's about giving your employees freedom of expression and space.

The key to unlock the employee voices

Open-minded surveys are the best that you do to understand your employees. As we discussed earlier employees are a prominent part of your company and it is your responsibility to make them comfortable and free within the office. Make them feel comfortable always hear their voices and provide the facilities needed for the proper doing of the procedures. If you can cultivate happy employees that means the success of your company is nearest.

Make use of analytical tools like XEBO.ai to kickstart your business and identify the areas where improvements are needed. Don't consider this as a silly procedure, because it can effect a huge change in your company. Happy employees can result in creating a happy environment that is suitable for your company. This can potentially increase the employee experience and the customer experience by highlighting exposure to your venture as well. So find your way to triumph with XEBO.ai by following Open-ended surveys.

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What are open-ended surveys?

Open-ended surveys are a pattern of questionnaires that allows the respondents to answer in their own way and you can gain richer and more useful feedback.

How do open-ended surveys benefit my organization?

As the name suggests, these surveys are open and allow a deeper understanding of the employee's thoughts and engagement.

Which are the major tools for analyzing open-ended surveys?

For analyzing the qualitative data try using innovative tools like XEBO.ai to analyze the engagement of the employees.

How often should I conduct the open-ended surveys?

It is advisable to conduct surveys quarterly or bi-annually and thus you can track the changes and employee engagement.

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